
Executive search process



We meet with the nominations committee and other key stakeholders to discuss and understand your priorities for the role and gain a full understanding of the skills, experience, qualities and background you require.

We review your job description and person specification based on our experience of other similar roles and ensure that the material is inclusive and welcoming to suitable candidates.



We develop a candidate attraction plan including reviewing the salary and package to maximise the attractiveness of the role to suitable candidates.

We work with you to create a timetable for the search taking into account the existing commitments of the interview panel and any public holidays.

We build an attractive, detailed and engaging microsite, so potential candidates can review the role online.



Based on our briefing conversations with you and our knowledge of the candidate market, we create a target map of sources and potential candidates and share this with you as an evolving document.

We invite you to review  and prioritise this map so we focus on the most suitable candidates.

We engage with and speak with sources to gain recommendations of additional suitable candidates to approach.


Targeted search

We contact potential candidates with details of the role and share insight into your organisation, to engage, inform and enthuse suitable candidates.

We take the time to discuss the role with interested candidates to help them to assess their fit and suitability for the role.

We regularly review applications, so we can share with you the strength of the developing field in our weekly update reports and catch up calls.



we review all the applications and develop a graded list for your review in advance of the longlist meeting.

We meet with the interview panel to discuss the applications and agree the longlist of applicants who will proceed to face-to-face competency-based interviews with Daniel.

After completing these interviews, we meet with the panel to discuss the candidates in detail and Daniel provides feedback and recommendations on suitability and further areas to explore.



Final interviews

We work together to design a robust interview process which will give the interview panel confidence that they will assess the shortlisted candidates thoroughly.

If required, Daniel will attend the final panel interviews as an observer and support the panel in their decision-making process.

We manage the offer, negotiation and reference process with the successful candidate and stand down the unsuccessful candidates with detailed feedback as to why they were not successful.